BankORION will be closed on Monday, February 17 in observance of Presidents Day. We'll open for normal business hours on Tuesday, February 18. Holiday Hours

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Updates

posted on Tuesday, June 9, 2020

For the safety of our employees, our customers and our communities, we closed our lobbies to walk-in traffic on Thursday, March 19, 2020. Beginning on Monday, June 8, 2020, BankORION will open some lobbies for limited hours. All BankORION drive-ups will continue to be open with normal hours. Appointments may still be made to view safe deposit boxes or to meet with loan and deposit personnel. We appreciate your cooperation in the interest of public health and wellness.    

You may have noticed some changes in some of our BankORION branches. As you enter some of our buildings, you will see masks and hand sanitizer. We are limiting the amount of customers inside our branches. We've installed plexi-glass partitions at the teller windows. We appreciate your patience as we work through this pandemic and ask that you abide by our requests:

  • Wear a mask
  • Use social distancing guidelines and stand 6 feet apart
  • Keep the pen, do not place it back in the holder
  • Limit the number of family members in the branch at one time

Lobby hours at our Orion, Cambridge, Aledo, Moline (53rd), Annawan and Bettendorf are as follows:

  • Monday-Friday: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
  • Saturday: 10:00 am - 12:00 noon

As always, our online and mobile banking services are available for your convenience.

  • Enroll in online banking. Online banking is available 24/7. You can make transfers, schedule payments, view detail transaction history, view account balances, pay bills and much more


  • Use our mobile app. With the BankORION mobile app, you can do all of the above plus make FREE mobile deposits for retail or consumer customers. Click the links below to download our iPhone or Android Apps



  • Use direct deposit and ACH for your paycheck or social security deposits
  • Use mobile wallet to pay for transactions at retail stores or use your debit card
  • Use our ATMs or drive ups
  • Apply for a personal loan here: APPLY ONLINE
  • Access to safe deposit boxes, and access to your banker for immediate needs requiring an in-person visit are available by appointment
  • Call us with any questions

Our staff is available by phone to answer questions you may have. Please reach out to your local branch with any questions.

  1. Orion – 309-526-8011
  2. Cambridge – 309-937-3341
  3. Aledo – 309-582-5171
  4. Moline 53rd – 309-764-8811
  5. Moline (Route 6) – 309-799-8161
  6. Annawan – 309-935-6234
  7. Bettendorf – 563-345-6011

Our branch drive-ups remain open during regular hours.

  • Monday – Thursday, 7:30 am – 5:30 pm
  • Friday, 7:30 am – 6:00 pm
  • Saturday, 7:30 am – 12:00 pm

Please remember, BankORION will never ask you for your personal information through an email. Be aware of scams and criminals. Don't click on links you don't recognize and ones that are not secure.

We will continue to monitor COVID-19 (Coronavirus) closely. Please refer to the CDC website for ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and for up-to-date and accurate information. We will keep you updated on BankORION through our social media channels, our secure messaging service within online banking or through email.